Christmas Aroma Simmer Pot
Christmas and the holidays bring on delights for all of the senses. This simmer pot will have your home smelling like Christmas and the use of all natural products mean we aren’t overloading our home with chemicals from wall plug ins. (THIS IS NOT FOR CONSUMPTION!)
Clarence Moody's Odor Punch for Christmas
Clarence Moody's Odor Punch (Not for consumption)
- 1 quart pineapple juice
- 1 quart apple cider
- 1 quart water
- 4 pieces of ginger
- 3 sticks of cinnamon
- 16 whole cloves
- 1 t allspice
- 1 or 2 t pickling spice
- Place all ingredients in a kettle, crockpot or sauce pan. Let simmer and add more liquid as needed.
Add more liquids as it evaporates., pub-1556238830617187, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0