Air Fryer Chicken Wings

Using the Air Fryer is a game changer! It heats up and cooks so much quicker than a traditional oven. Chicken wings are the perfect thing to practice using an Air Fryer. It warms up food beautifully, too!

Air Fryer Chicken Wings

Air Fryer Chicken Wings

The Air Fryer is my favorite way to fix chicken wings and it's the easiest way I've found and so quick!!
Cook modePrevent screen from turning off


  • Chicken Wings
  • Oil
  • Spices of choice


  1. Preheat Air Fryer to 375 F (190.5 C).
  2. If desired, separate the flat from the drummy. Dry well with paper towels. Place into a large bowl.
  3. Drizzle oil of choice over the wings and add your favorite spices. Toss well.
  4. Place wings, untouching, on the wire shelf or into the basket of the air fryer.
  5. Bake for 8 - 10 minutes, remove and flip wings and return to the air fryer. Continue baking until they are done and a golden brown color.
  6. Serve with your favorite dipping sauce or toss in a large bowl with BBQ sauce., pub-1556238830617187, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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